We made an agreement with Happy Crab Game Studio for renting in-game ad spaces and token integration. Another game studio took a step for creating a new income source with Portuma. As Portuma, which has a lot of advantages for game developers and studios, we are so happy to make an agreement about this partnership. 

About Happy Crab Game Studio

Happy Crab Game Studio, which was established by two young women, is a game studio which develops games and applications with software, coding and artificial intelligence techniques. It was established in Bilişim Vadisi with the aim of being one of the names that represent its country in the field of technology in the world.

They develop and produce different and beautiful games for 177 countries in 44 different languages. Happy Crab Game Studio, which has more than 50 million downloads in total, chose Portuma, its in-game advertising platform. In addition to these, they develop games in 15 different categories.

Portuma, an in-game advertising company, brings game developers and advertisers together. While advertisers can easily reach audiences from different categories they target, game studios also gain additional income. The advantages of Portuma are endless!

We are happy to have a partnership agreement with Happy Crab. Now Happy Crab will lease its advertising spaces to Portuma and Portuma will bring advertisers together with Happy Crab Game Studio. Plus, Happy Crabs players will earn portokens while playing their favorite games! In short, after this deal, everyone will win!